Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Caught the hamstring bug

After last Saturday's horrible run my right hamstring seized up. So I
did not run Sunday or Monday. Just gentle stretching and icing. It's
doing a lot better. Did group core workout today and then ran about 3
miles at a very easy pace. Everyone else did CV workout. I am going to
call advanced rehab tomorrow and see if Dr Z can look at it. I am not
doing the relay this weekend. Honestly I'm not all that sad. I need a
little down time.

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Sadie J said...

sorry to hear that. Hope you enjoy the rest :)

chuckd said...

Not fun Kirsten. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

Don't want to stretch a bad hamstring, all you are doing is re-tearing it.

trigger point, adv rehab, ice, rest.