Sunday, September 13, 2009

Love/hate relationship with rain

Saturday was a 10 mile run in the rain. Felt nice to have cooler temps. Rain didn't bother me other than slightly heavy shoes. Karen failed to tell us to bring xc spikes for the section on the Far West foot bridge that is under construction. Nice slippy, slidy mud. Unremarkable and slow run...did have some right hamstring and calf tightness/pain but only on the downhills. Uphills felt fine.

After the run I made breakfast and then slept from 11 until 4:30pm. Got up and retrieved Riley from the pasture...this is one of the parts I hate...he was covered in mud! Gave him a bath and put him in a stall to dry off. Ate dinner and then rode.

Today, after being at work all night, I was whipped. Slept from 8:15 am until 6:15 pm and then forced myself out of bed. Obviously no run. Why am I so tired? Allergies. Even with meds I am suffering bad. They wear me down. Hopefully it will dry up soon. This is the biggest reason I hate rain. I am hoping I feel better tomorrow so I can get even a short run in. At the rate I am blowing my nose I am doubtful.

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