Thursday, September 24, 2009

Don't laugh too hard

I was getting ready for our run tonight and it was raining lightly and in my opinion it was chilly out so I tossed my arm warmers in my bag.  Yeah...arm warmers.  I wore a sleeveless top and since I don't like cold rain touching me, I figured I'd use them during the warm up.  It wasn't raining at the start so I did not need to use them!

Today was 1 mile warmup and then 1 mile HMGP (7:15) - 1 mile easy - 1 mile HMGP (7:13) - 1 mile HMGP (7:11).  My personal goal was to be disciplined but run each mile of HMGP a little faster than the one before WITHOUT running more than a few seconds faster than actual HMGP (7:12).  The guys were running a little fast at times so I would let them go.  Had them as company on the easy miles.  Felt great the whole time - felt pretty easy which is good!

Then we had happy hour to say good bye to Mark and Debbie before they head off to the base in Louisiana.

Had an appt with Dr Z today.  There is nothing wrong with my hamstring.  I do need to use TP etc on a more regular basis though.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Uhhh, arm warmers? I can't laugh. Soon, you'll see me out with a singlet and gloves. My hands get sooooooo cold in temperatures that are not even freezing.