Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Things looking good in NM

Yesterday we had an easy 3 mile run and then 2 miles on the track.  I am now remembering what I liked so much about my first Rogue group.  The runs were short and it all seemed so easy.  That was yesterday.  One mile on the track at 400easy/400MGP and then another mile at 400mgp/400 faster than mgp.  I ran 1 min/mile pace faster on the faster part.  I felt super smooth and it was just effortless.  My legs are feeling really rested.  I'm feeling good about my run in New Mexico on Sunday.

This morning we had the option to run a couple of easy miles or take it off.  It was so nice out, I took Silver dog for her first easy 2 miler of the season.  That was one happy dog!  Her endorphins were running so high that she even let me check out her sore ear.  She got bitten by a tick the other day and would try to bite me if I touched her ear.  I had to muzzle her to get the tick off.  Her ear looks fine.

Checked the weather forecast for ABQ for Sunday...high 81 and low 60.  Yipeee!!!!  40% chance of rain but I don't care at all about that.

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