Monday, December 29, 2008


My arms are trashed - did day 1 week 2 and barely made it at level 3.  Total of 56 push ups.  
Legs are fine after Saturday's ordeal.  Plan to start increasing mileage now.  

After this push up deal I had better have abs of steel!  This is way harder than any running thing.  My arms are feeling weak!!

For those of you trying to learn to cook I saw a great recipe for Shepard's Pie with a combo of mashed potato/mashed cauliflour topping it off.  Looked really good.  Might make that on my days off.  The food network can give you great ideas....just stay away from Paula Dean and cut their portion sizes in half!


MW said...

Too bad cauliflower is one of two vegetables I really cannot stomach... Brussel sprouts.

kirsten said...

I hate brussel sprouts, any kind of squash and egg plant.

Anonymous said...

Do you wear orthotics too, or just the metatarsel pads? I have tried makeshift pads that my podiatrist made and they stuck them on my orthotics...actually kinda hurt my feet more though.

kirsten said...

Amber - I went to Karavel (shoe store at Burnet and Koenig) in desperation about a month ago. The girl (I think her name was Angela) put me on some sort of machine which measured the pressures (?) in my feet - my left foot was red (bad) and the right was green (good). She gave me full length orthotics with metatarsal and heel pads. So far so good. No pain in the neuroma at all. I'll post this on your blog too.