Saturday, October 17, 2009

Now this is what I'm talking about

Slept in until 9:45 this AM.  It was sunny and cool out...perfect weather for my pre IBM race shake out.  Took Silver dog and went for a relaxed 5 mile run.  Silver dog had a great time and hell, the weather was perfect.  Let me say it again...perfect!!  Looks like more of this is on tap for tomorrow.  I have a plan for IBM but have no idea how it will go.  I have not run a 10K in 2 years.  I have a goal range and plan to start a little conservatively.  Karen sent a really inspiring race plan and I intend to follow it as her other race plans have been spot on.  I feel I've felt since before the New Mexico Marathon.  3 more weeks of hell after this and then a rest week before San Antonio and then 2 months to Houston.  I am looking forward to taking a real break from running and reconnecting with my horse riding.   

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