Friday, October 23, 2009

Catching up

Monday - slept a little extra, no run.

Tuesday - Hill repeats x 5 with 3/4 mile recovery.  My legs were dead on the hill, felt fine on the flat/downhill parts.  4 repeats of plyo sequence - I was not doing so great but got it done.

Wednesday - 4 mile recovery shuffle - might as well have walked.  Silver dog was wondering why I was so slow!  Short easy ride on Riley.

Thursday - 2 mile warm up, 4 mile tempo, 2 mile cool down.  Felt great the whole way.  Nailed the tempo pace without killing myself.  Perfect weather.  Short ride on Riley.  Core and stretching before run.

Friday - no run - longer ride on Riley.  Have soul buster tomorrow.  Weather looks to be ideal.

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