Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I ran an easy paced 4 miles today and although the first mile or so was at a death march, I actually was able to get going and felt OK.  I am dead tired...I think more tired than I was yesterday.  Usually I sleep 4 hours or so on Wednesdays since I start sleeping at night on Wednesday nights but today I slept from 9:30 until 4:15.  Trust me, after a warm bath tonight I will have no trouble sleeping tonight and hopefully will be able to drag myself out of bed at 4am!

Karen is working us very hard...I feel sorry for the people she talked into running the half marathon this Sunday.  I'm doing IBM and at least it's after a down week.  I hope all of this pays off.  I feel strong but as everyone knows you are what you are come race day and if the marathon gods are against you ain't nothing you can do.

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