Saturday, October 10, 2009

Brrrrrr...break out the arm warmers

OK I am a baby.  I don't like hot, hot weather and I definitely don't like cold weather.  I would like to see some crisp, sunny fall weather.  Is that asking too much?  

It was considerably cooler this AM then it has been but there was quite a bit of moisture in the air.  For me that leads to stiff, sore knees and hips.  Ran 10 miles at 8:42 pace (for this sort of weather that is SLOW) and at times felt like I was running MGP!  Our last 5 was was supposed to be a progressive pace from MGP to 10K.  The only mile I actually hit the pace on was the last.  Yeah, that's right.  Couldn't run MGP but somehow managed to suck it up and run at 10K pace.

I wore a singlet and arm warmers.  Took them off after a few miles of the 10 mile part but was glad I had them as we shuffled back to the cars after our 5 mile pick up.

Don't feel like an ice bath right now.  Maybe this afternoon.

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