Friday, August 21, 2009

What would you do?

At the dinner event last night which was very casual, one woman (I
know her well) showed up wearing a very low cut top with the wrong
bra. Maybe it fit in the past but she has gained weight and it doesn't
fit now. She was practically falling out of the top. Maybe she needs a
mirror at home but it was nasty. Obviously I couldn't say anything
right then but I was embarressed for her. Do you say something or let
this happen again?

Sent from my iPhone


MW said...

this requires a closeup photo so we can judge and answer correctly.

kirsten said...

Honestly Mike, you would have been so repulsed by the picture you would have had to turn away. It was bad. However I'll keep that in mind next time!

Debbie said...

I would only say something if she is someone you would call a good friend. And then I don't know how I would say it...