Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Health Care Reform

That seems to be in the headlines a lot lately.  A friend at work showed me a news clip about an ER doc in Kentucky who said that there were 2 words missing from the Health Care Reform ideas...personal responsibility.  Duh!!  I've been thinking that forever.

I hear people complain that they can't afford health care/insurance or whatever.  Here is the problem with that complaint...

1.  the same person just consumed a 12 pack of beer and does so on a daily basis

2.  or is on their 5th DWI - that costs plenty

3.  or got caught with drugs

4  or is addicted to drugs

5.  or is morbidly obese - it costs a lot to get that fat and stay that fat.  It does not cost a lot to eat little enough to be just don't need that much food.

6.  or gets no exercise...walking 30 min a day is free other than a reasonable pair of shoes from Academy.

7.  or doesn't do anything to take care of a health condition they already have so the costs to care for it when they can be bothered have escalated.

8.  or smokes any amount.

I have seen zillions of people who have no respect for their body and have no interest in taking better care of themselves.  That is why health care costs so much.  A lot of those people blame everyone else for their health problems and have a lawyer on retainer to sue the poor medical community for something that is not their fault.  That is why health care costs so much.  It drives me insane...sometimes I think I need a different job.

To all of you out there that eat right, maintain a reasonable weight or or working towards it and exercise on a regular basis...keep it up and thank you for doing your part.

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