Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Making Progress

Karen is having us put a plan together for a marathon goal in New Mexico. Today we were to run 4 miles warm up, 4 miles progressive, 2 miles cool down. I ran with Karen for the first 4 miles (she ran in the AM so was only doing 4) - our easy pace consisted on 9:03, 8:09, 8:09, 7:59. She told us since it was so hot, we could run 2 more miles easy and then just 2 miles of progressive. Our pace was supposed to end up at 10-15 seconds faster than MGP. I ran 1 easy mile and then picked up the pace to 8:15, the last 2 miles were 8:01 and 7:32. The last mile was a little fast. I cooled down really easy with Brandon. A very successful workout. I feel nicely worn out but not at all sore.

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