Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Toughen up

Monday - moderate paced 5 miles on Monday PM - my new mantra is "Toughen Up". So who cares if it is 100+ degrees...I'm still going to put out my best more whining about it! Had a decent run but did stop for a minute or 2 in the shade at mile 4.

Tuesday - 3 miles easy in downtown Austin in the AM. Annoying because of the traffic. Did this run to keep my legs loose for the afternoon run. 5 miles hilly loop in PM with 1 mile straights and curves. Calves a little tight when I got out of bed but a good coating of Freeze It worked great. Ran strongly for the 5 mile loop. Able to keep up with out killing myself on the hills. Straights and curves was interesting - my legs were not to happy with actually having to go fast. Felt good to stretch them out though. Very satisfied with my effort. I feel real benefit from this base building. I hope I can keep this progress going in the fall.

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