Thursday, March 26, 2009

One year closer to a new age group

Today I turned 44.  Yeah, I know you would not have guessed it!  I went to the ENT office and I have a  good ol' sinus infection - no surprise.  3 weeks of antibiotics now and a medrol dose pack.  He thought I should be feeling much better in 3 days.  He is a triathelete so was able to commiserate with the situation of being sick and having Boston so soon.   One of the other docs in the office is going to Boston too.  My doctor and he ran Austin this year and he said he thought it was hard...I felt bad saying most of us cruised it for a long run and had fun.
I am taking today off to try and get better faster but will be running on Saturday.  16 miles...depending on how I feel maybe a little less.  
Rain has now past us and it looks to be a gorgeous, not humid, sunny weekend.  Yay!!


Sadie J said...

Happy Birthday Kirsten!

MW said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

Anne said...

I didn't realize you'd had a birthday. Well: Happy Birthday!!

I loved when I turned 45 and was again a 'younger runner.' Of course, everything's fallen apart since then, but hope springs eternal.

To qualify for Boston with your predicted time is just incredible, Kristen.