Saturday, March 28, 2009

Is that water over there?

We should have known there was a problem when all the North team peeps showed up ready to run at 6am.  The note on the maps said we were starting at 7am.  We got to St Ed' water.  Got to the 7 mile water.  Thankfully John had 10 bucks in his shoe so he sprung for bottled water for the Team.  We realized at this point that Steve didn't expect us out on course that early.  Other than that little mess, the run was uneventful...easy thru the hills and a 3 mile push at the end.  Ended up sub 5k pace at the end.  Felt great.  Ended up with 15 miles.  Sinuses feeling way, way better...still lots of drainage but no headache at all.
Sounds like we have another 15 mile MGP run next week down south.  Should be OK if the weather cooperates.
Off now for a massage.

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