Business was brisk at the jail last night - we saw close to 65 inmates in the medical section which as in every year is the largest number for the year.
A few things made it different and better this year.
I have worked by myself on New Years Eve and it sucks! So this year in September, I made my staff choose what days they wanted off over the holidays. 4 nurses had to make themselves available for New Years. We had 4 nurses (1 in the jail and 3 in booking). I adjusted the way we used the nurses and somehow it was an awesome, stress free night. No officers had to wait to see us and we never got cranky!
My supervisor, who is the coolest guy ever, came to visit on Wednesday evening. I see him once or twice a year. We caught up, cleared up some administrative details and generally had a good time for 2 hours. That put me in a good mood right away.
We no longer do DWI blood draws. I don't mind doing the blood draws but I hate going to court so I am thrilled about this. Also frees up a lot of our time.
Most of the sick criminals in Austin stayed home - we pretty much just dealt with minor wrecks, drunk people and minor health conditions - that speeds things up a lot too!
Didn't see anyone I knew in the jail - always a good thing.
Hope everyone has a very successful 2009!!