Thursday, September 25, 2008


Due to scheduling conflicts during the day, I postponed my usual Wed 5 miler until Friday.  I went to ART and PT.  My foot is making great progress and I am cautiously optimistic that it is getting better.
Have a horse event Thursday night so got up on Thursday morning at 4AM for the 5:15 run.   Decided to wear a new pair of shoes - fresh out of the box.  For the record, they are neutral shoes - Saucony Tangents.  I have worn them before and liked them.  Got them on sale at Rogue a while ago.  The shoes I have been wearing since September 2007 have been Stability shoes - Nikes and Mizunos.  Like the Mizunos, hate the Nikes.  Overall the Nikes keep my feet the most comfortable but they feel like boats.  The Mizunos and Saucony are a little snug in the forefoot and cause so discomfort from the darn neuroma in my left foot but the feel good on the road.
As I left my house, I realize I am still wearing my glasses.  I remember that I have some contacts in my purse so all is good.  At Northwest park, I put the contacts in and as I get out of the car, realize I only have one contact in - have no idea where the missing one is other than it is not in my eye.  So I have to run half blind!  It is dark - really dark!
Ate the Sport beans I brought along and head out for the warm up mile.  Feel OK.  Just a little soreness in my heel.
Get back to the start and swear to myself I will not go out too fast.  Start with the guys and their slow 2 min section seems a little fast so I let them go.  Todays run is 2 min easy and 3 min push at HMGP to below MGP.
I quickly get in the groove and am feeling good - much better than Tues.  Of course, there are no hills!  No probs on the push part.  I have no idea where we are going but keep the guys in sight ahead of me.  Follow them on the turns.  At Shoal Creek I see 2 people ahead to the right, so I turn right.  As I pass them, I realize I should have turned left.  These are not people in our group.  I get lost a lot so I'm good at just making it up as I go along.  I'm still doing well with the pace.  
In the last mile and a half, I am running fast down a dark street when SPLAT, I am on the ground.  I tripped over a speed bump.  I lay on my back for a few seconds, then got up, assessed my injuries - a few scrapes and got going.  No problem getting back to speed.  I really don't like to run in the dark when I'm not familiar with the streets.
Got back to the park at a little over 4 miles and did my strides.  Still feeling great.
Today, I will go to Rogue and work on the shoe thing again...I think I'm going back to neutral shoes.
Warm up - 8:57
3 min on/2 min off 4 miles - 7:42,7:27,7:43,7:44,3:50(1/2 mile extra)
Cool down - 9:00


MW said...
no more splat

kirsten said...

Cool - do you wear one on the early morning w/o's. Does it stay in place with being annoying.

MW said...

i wear one on my trail runs...
i sometimes wear it on workouts if I'm not familiar with the road.

I carry a red blinkie to all my road workouts. I dont want to die.

Runners wear them on 100 mile trail runs overnight. they don't bounce.

i love mine. i'm using it tomorrow at 5:30am on my greenbelt run.

they sell cheap things at runtex you can attach to a cap, but may as well buy a petzl. You can use it camping and for soooo many other night time uses other than running. frees up both your hands etc...

anyway... was just a suggestion.

kirsten said...

Thanks winter sneaks up I think I'll be needing one. Gives me more flexibility as fas as running times. It is a very good suggestion, as is the red blinkie.

Priscilla said...

Ouch, I've fallen a few times and it's no good. Rocking times though!! Congrats!