Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kicking butt

I told Jim Gelb I would be taking it easy today....oops, I kicked his butt (sorry Jim).  OK you darn near caught me at the end but almost caught is like didn't catch.  Considering the fact that I don't care to run on the trail, I felt very good today.  Once we got past I-35 on the south side, the rest of the run was spent dodging Austin fit groups.  I will say they are very polite, yelling runner up and runner back and hugging the side of the trail as scores of runners flew past them.  There were millions of them...I don't think I've seen that many before.  It is annoying BUT they didn't stop to use the Runtex water (would have caused a major traffic jam) and they are out there getting fit.  YAY!!

I got out of control between the end of the trail before E Riverside and the Statesman - ran way too fast.  I can't help it.  I like the pavement as a running surface so much better than the trail.  So I waited for Jim at the Runtex waterstop.  He dropped off again once we got to the I-35 bridge and enjoyed some Gazelle refreshments.  Then we saw the Rogue coolers under the bridge - oops!

Back at Rogue, Geezer was hanging out with what looked like a beer - I'm thinking that this must be his new nutritional thing.  Maybe he had a few on his run too.  Turns out it was a lemon-lime soda.  Panthers group was drinking beer - good grief, it wasn't even 9am yet.  Oh well, each to his own.

Off to my massage - Rachel at Kneadz appears to have dropped out of sight so since I had a gift certificate to Performance Wellness, I went there.  Blaze did a great job.  Was very specific about checking each part of my calf and working the spots which were problems.  worked on my foot too - OUCH!!  Then I ran on the treadmill for him so he could see how I ran.

Treated myself to lunch with a non running friend at Zu Zu and now I'm getting ready for a nap.  Exciting life huh!!

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