Sunday, April 12, 2009

Super lazy day

I got up at 7:45 because the dog was whining - apparently has some kind of GI issue that started yesterday AM in my computer room.  I opened the door and let her out before there was any repeat of the mess.  Gave her a small amount of dog food and let her out for the day.  That issue had better be resolved before I go to Boston.  Ate breakfast and then decided since it was raining, returning to bed was in order.  Got up just before 2pm.  My excuse?  I gotta go to work tonight.  I decided to skip a run today since I am actually sore from falling down yesterday.  Had lunch and am now in the process of motivating myself to finish cleaning up my house.
i-Phone note - I can access my blog from it easily, type a title but them can't get to the body of my post...any suggestions?  Other than that, I'm loving it.  Went to a friend's yesterday and we messed around looking at different apps.  We are both amazed that such a small device can do so much....neither one of us is in the high tech industry!

1 comment:

Charles said...

You have to email updates to your blog. I suggest opening a gmail account then you set it up in the settings on your blog. Works well once it is set up.