Sunday, September 7, 2008

Good vs bad choices

So last night someone had brought this chocolate with buttercream frosting birthday cake into work. It was good but not that good. Next time I have a hankering for something sweet and rich like that, I'll head to one of the cupcake stores. Portion controlled and quality. I felt full all night. One the good side though, while I don't keep a detailed joural of my weight, I would say my average weight is down about 2 lbs. How many minutes is that in a marathon...I dunno know but it has to be a few.

Following the Austin Marathon advanced schedule, I ran 3.5 miles. Seems ridiculous but once I see the weekly schedules, I'll add on where necessary. It was somewhere in the ninties, humid and windy. I still had a good run. I have no idea what next weeks plan is but I'm going to do a 5 mile easy run in the morning. First quality workout is scheduled for Tuesday. I'm putting bets on straights and curves!

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